LYNKS Release notes 5.2.0

Table of Content

Functional Improvements

Account groups management

The Account Groups Management feature, now accessible within the LYNKS settings section through a dedicated tab, streamlines the process for administrators to create and manage account groups. Administrators can create new account groups and configure their content. Additionally, they can add or remove accounts from existing groups, enabling efficient access and permission management, particularly for signing rules.

Account groups management

Account groups management

Signatory rules

The Signatory rules feature aims at improving tenant management autonomy by allowing administrators to easily understand, create, and edit the signatory matrix directly within the application. Accessible via the 'Signatory rules' tab, this feature intuitively presents the current signatory rules and facilitates modifications. Moreover, it enables the creation of new signatory rules by defining parameters such as payment amount range, account groups, currencies, payment categories, and signatory groups.

For further insights into the capabilities of this feature, refer to the dedicated section in the LYNKS User Guide.

Signatory rules

Signatory rules


LYNKS' reporting section has been significantly enhanced to improve user experience and functionality. The tool can now generate reports on both transaction history and account statements.

  • The Transaction History Report presents a list of all incoming and outgoing transactions. It extracts data from bank statements to compile this document. Users can customize the time range and specify ordering party accounts for the report.
  • Account Statements are processed in the application, and stay available for reporting. Users are able to download the original account statements (MT940 and CAMT053) files for a selection of ordering party accounts and a specific time range.


Payment Initiation Files to Download

The payment status report has been enhanced with information that allows confirmation of payment initiation. The document now includes the original payment instruction file sent to the bank (in formats MT101 or PAIN001). The Download payment status button is available for payments that have been sent to the bank and are in status Pending execution by bank.

Payment status report

Payment status report

UI and UX Improvements and Small Enhancements

Remember Pagination

With the release of version 5.2, we've upgraded the configuration of views and pagination. This means the application now retains your chosen number of rows to display per page. This enhancement ensures a smoother user experience, eliminating the frustration of tables resetting the display amount.

Bug Fixes and Small Enhancements

Addressed several bugs to enhance the overall user experience and resolved minor UI issues to boost application performance.