Getting started

The LYNKS API is a RESTful API allowing full automation of all processes that are also available in the LYNKS user interface. It exposes the resources using the same terminology, so it's very easy and straight-forward do understand and use.

The following documentation provides detailed documentation about the different operations that are available, their request and response structure, error messages and usage examples.

The documentation is split into these different API categories:

  • Authentication API: describes the OAuth2 password grant flow used to retrieve a bearer token to make authenticated API calls.
  • Payments API: manage your accounts, counterparties, and the payments between those two.
  • Invoicing API: Send your invoices and credit notes through the Peppol e-Invoicing network.


Enterprise Payments provides sandbox and production environments fully isolated and secured by tenant, accessible as follows:

OpenAPI files

All versions of our OpenAPI 3 files (formerly Swagger) can be downloaded from here:

You can either check out the code examples in this guide in the right column for each API method, or generate your entire client application by using one of these convenient open-source tools: