RESTful API conventions

The LYNKS API is a RESTful API, following market best practices for design and implementation.

HTTP Verbs

We're using HTTP Verbs in the following way:


Used for



Creating a new resource or array of resources

201 Created
ID(s) of the newly created resource(s)


Getting a resource by ID
Getting a list of resources by using filters

200 OK
Full representation of the resource


Updating a resource

200 OK
Full representation of the resource


Linking resources together

204 No content


Deleting a resource

204 No content

Media types

The API uses application/json as content type for all endpoints that receive and return payload objects. The only exception if the GET /token endpoint to retrieve the access and refresh token. This endpoint uses application/x-www-form-urlencoded as defined by the OAuth2 specification.

HTTP return codes

Return codeMeaning
200 OKReturned on GET methods if the call was successful. The response body contains the full representation of the resource.
201 CreatedReturned on POST methods if the resources were successfully created. The response body contains an array of resource IDs of the resources that were created.
204 No ContentReturned on DELETE methods if the operation was successful. No body is returned.
400 Bad RequestReturned on any method if the request was badly formatted, either syntactically (e.g. wrong or missing parameters, bad formatting...) or semantically (e.g. the submitted resource objects are invalid).
401 UnauthorizedThe API client has not used proper authentication to access the APIs. All APIs expect an Authorization HTTP header with a bearer token.
403 ForbiddenThe technical user that has successfully authenticated does not have the necessary permissions to access the given API method.
404 Not FoundThe resource that was requested does not exist or the authenticated technical user does not have permissions to access this instance of the resource.
503 UnavailableThe LYNKS API is temporarily not available.

Error object

All error responses (4xx or 5xx return codes) contain a response body with the detail of the error, following the RFC specification.

typeURI reference that identifies the problem type
titleShort summary of the problem type
statusHTTP status code of the problem
detailExplanation specific to this occurrence of the problem
instanceA reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem
validationErrors[POST/PUT requests only] Semantic or constraint validation errors of the provided resources


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/problem+json
Content-Language: en

 "type": "some-problem-type",
 "status": 400,
 "title": "Method arguments not valid.",
 "instance": "ec4138ea-673e-11ee-8c99-0242ac120002",
 "detail": "One or more accounts have failed validation.",
 "validationErrors": [
     "errorMessage": "Account name cannot be longer than 35 characters",
     "inputIndex": 2
     "errorMessage": "IBAN is invalid",
     "inputIndex": 13


All Find resource API methods allow the result set to be retrieved in a paginated way. Pagination values are provided as query parameters.

Parameter nameValue
unpagedNo pagination. If set to true, the endpoint will return all results and pageIndex / pageSize will have no effect. Defaults to false.
pageIndexThe index of the page that the client wants to retrieve
pageSizeThe size of the page (number of entries) the client wants to retrieve.

If a client intends to paginate through a result set, it is strongly recommended to use the same page size for all subsequent calls as for the first call to avoid unpredictable results.

The response of a paginated request will contain the header X-Total-Count informing of how many records that match the request exist. Example:

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
X-Total-Count: 400

<other headers>

<response body>


All Find resource API methods allow the result set to be sorted by a list of properties that are proprietary to the API method.

Parameter namevalue
sortSorting criteria in the format: property,(asc|desc)


All Find resource API methods allow the result set to be filtered by a list of properties that are proprietary to the API method.