Counterparty monitoring

In the Counterparty monitoring section, users have the ability to define specific monitoring rules for each counterparty based on their risk level. This feature enables users to set customized parameters that determine the frequency and depth of monitoring for each counterparty. By automating the screening process, counterparties are consistently evaluated and assessed in accordance with their assigned risk level. This ensures that potential risks are promptly identified and appropriate measures can be taken in a timely manner. The flexibility provided by this feature empowers users to tailor the monitoring process to their specific requirements, enhancing overall risk management capabilities within the LYNKS system.

Counterparty monitoring - rules by risk level

Counterparty monitoring - rules by risk level

Each risk level can be configured to have a monitoring recurrences, which results in a scheduled automatic rescreen.

Counterparty monitoring - editing monitoring rule

Counterparty monitoring - editing monitoring rule