
In the Reports section, users can easily create and download account statements and list of transactions, enabling them to review their financial activity and track their transactions with ease. Two reports can be generated in the desired file format.



Transaction history

The first report generates the complete history of transactions, all incoming and outgoing transactions known to the interface are listed in the list. Users can select what ordering party and value date range they want to export, by selecting the output to be either a .csv, .xlsx or .pdf.

Reports - Transaction history generation

Reports - Transaction history generation

Account statements

The second report generates all the known statements known to the LYNKS platform.
Users can select what ordering party and value date range they want to export and download the bank statement files either MT940 or CAMT053.

Reports - Account statements generation

Reports - Account statements generation

Non-executed transactions report

The third report is generating a list of LYNKS payments that were not executed because they were pending execution by bank (with out feedback for more than 7 days), failure, or rejection by the bank.
Similar as for the first report, the user can decide which ordering party accounts should be part of the report and what requested execution date range should be exported to a .csv, .xlsx or .pdf list.

Reports - Non-executed transactions generation

Reports - Non-executed transactions generation

Account balances

The last report is generating the balances of the LYNKS ordering party accounts. Similar to the other reports, the user can decide which accounts should be part of the report and what time range should be exported in a .csv or a .xlsx file.

Reports  - Account balances

Reports - Account balances