Signatory rules

Inside the settings, the signatory rules management is an administrative feature enabling the possibility to create and manage signatory rules inside the application.


Signatory rules are critical for the functioning of the platform. In order to properly configure them, be advised to ask for guidance or training at [email protected]

Tenant settings - Signatory rules

Tenant settings - Signatory rules

Signatory rules

The signatory rule management provides the possibility to overview, consult, edit, audit or create new signatory rules. Signatory rules are crucial to the function of the LYNKS interface, in order to approve payments before instructing the bank to execute them. To not break the functionality, administrators should be confident in the management and understanding of the implications of possible modifications.

The signatory rules have multiple roles: on one hand they are validating the creation of payments according to the configured parameters, on the other hand they decide who is eligible to approve payments.
The combined parameters of a signatory rule are applicable for creating and approving payments:

  • Amount range - defines amounts from & to
  • Accounts - defines the ordering party accounts (or account groups)
  • Currency - defines the transaction currencies
  • Payment category - defines the payment category
  • Total signatures required - defines the number of people that are required to sign off a payment

On the payment creation, the interface validates if the chosen values are covered by a signatory rule, which will be applied on the that specific transaction. Once the transaction is created and waiting for signatures, the applied signatory rule provides a list of eligible signatories and the amount of required signatures to send the payment to the bank.

Manage signatory rules

The signatories can be removed and added, either on the user management or from the signatory rules management.
All parameters can be modified by administrators inside the LYNKS interface. The modifications should be done carefully as the impact can be critical on the functionality of the platform.

Signatory rule - editing modal

Signatory rule - editing modal

Signatory rule - edit eligible signatories

Signatory rule - edit eligible signatories

Download matrix

The download button, available on the top right corner of the signatory rules screen, is generating an extract of the currently configured settings as excel file. The file is a consolidated overview of the Access and permissions settings of the users and the configured signatory matrix.

The first sheet is a recap of the users permissions tied to the roles assigned to him.

Access and permissions - extract

Access and permissions - extract

The second sheet is a listing all of the configured signatory rules with their parameters and the eligible signatories.

Signatory matrix - extract

Signatory matrix - extract


The overlaps section is an informative table that provides an overview of overlapping parameters in the configured signatory rules. Overlaps are calculated based on all the parameters of the signatory rules such as amounts, ordering party accounts, currencies and payment categories. The identified overlaps are displayed in an expandable list.

Signatory rules - overlaps

Signatory rules - overlaps

The expandable rows are providing an overview of the rules that are overlapping to facilitate the handling of the overlaps. Administrators can edit the colliding rules, in order to remove the overlaps.


Editing signatory rules to remove overlaps is a critical intervention in the behaviour of the interface.

Signatory rules - overlaps - expanded

Signatory rules - overlaps - expanded


This dedicated section is calculating and identifying gaps of the configured signatory rule matrix. The gaps are considering the same parameters as the overlaps that are configured in the signatory rules, gaps can be identified on the amounts, ordering party accounts, currencies and payment categories.
Those missing rules can get added from the gaps table by clicking on the plus sign. The creation modal will open and guide the administrator through the creation process to review the values before creating the rule to fill the gap.


Sometimes gaps can be part of the requirements or limitations and should not be added.

Signatory rules - gaps

Signatory rules - gaps

Audit log

The audit log is keeping an audit trail of all the effected changes on the signatory rules. As usual the audit log is tracking the date of modification, the user and the modification: for instance the update of required signatures, parameters in a rule or the creation of a new rule.

Signatory rule - audit log

Signatory rule - audit log