Transactions history

Transactions history - list

In the Transactions history section, users can conveniently access all transactions. This includes both incoming and outgoing transactions extracted from bank statements, reflecting in the LYNKS interface regardless of whether the payments originated from LYNKS or any other external source.

Within the history list, users can download payment confirmations. Additionally, similar to other tables within the application, users have the option to rearrange columns, apply filters, and search the dataset. This functionality enhances usability and allows users to customize their viewing experience to suit their needs.

Transactions history - list

Transactions history - list

Transactions history - details

When selecting an outgoing payment initiated from LYNKS from the history list, the interface will redirect to the transaction details screen. This redirection aims to offer users a better overview and a more comprehensive set of information regarding the selected transaction.

However, it's important to note that no additional details are available if the payments originated from an external source. In such cases, only the information extracted from the bank statements is reflected in the interface.

Transactions history - redirected to credit transfers detail

Transactions history - redirected to credit transfers detail