LYNKS Head-Up Display

To provide a most effective, comprehensive and intuitive HUD, the following sections will explain each always accessible icon.


Content and actions are available according to permissions and features.

Default view with the head-up display elements

Default view with the head-up display elements

Navigation Panel / Menu

The LYNKS platform will display a list of available screens on the left-hand side of the interface. This provides easy access to navigate and select the desired screens for further actions and operations.

Navigation panel

Navigation panel

'New' Button

The LYNKS platform will display a quick access button on the bottom right. This button provides the possibility to create any new content from anywhere in the application. The following options are displayed when selecting the ‘+’ button. After selecting one of those options, the application will open the creation modal.

  • New payment,
  • New counterparty,
  • New screening and
  • New report
'New' button

'New' button in the left lower corner

'New' button - options

'New' button - options

User Profile

In the top right corner, you can find your logged in profile. When selecting your name, you will be able to see the following options:

Top right section

Top right section

  1. Notifications preferences

    1. In case a user has some notification channels configured, the user can edit and set his own preferences the way he prefers to be notified.
      (Find more detailed information in the notification section.)
User profile - expanded

User profile - expanded

  1. Language
    1. A language switcher allows the user to set the application either in English or in French.
User profile - Language switcher expanded

User profile - Language switcher expanded

  1. Logout
    1. A button to logout the user from his active session.
User profile - expanded

User profile - expanded


On the left next to the user profile is a bell icon which shows all the IN_APP notifications.
Those notifications are enabled by default. Once new notifications arrive, a red dot indicator is displayed.
When selecting the bell, the user will find inside various notifications according to his access and permissions.
(Find more detailed information in the notification section. Coming soon.)

Top right section

Top right section

Bell - expanded notifications

Bell - expanded notifications

Tenant Switcher

On the left next to the bell the application displays the company name the user logged in. By selecting the displayed name, a tenant switcher displays a dropdown list with all the tenants a user has access and allows easy navigation between them.
The switcher is only enabled and displayed in case a user has access to multiple tenants, meaning environments of several entities.

Top right section

Top right section

Tenant switcher - expanded

Tenant switcher - expanded