Standing orders
Within LYNKS, the end users have visibility into all recurring orders associated with each of their accounts. This feature allows users to conveniently view and manage ongoing payment instructions, such as scheduled transfers or regular bill payments, directly from the system. By accessing the Standing Orders section, users can stay informed about their recurring transactions, ensuring accurate and timely processing while maintaining control over their financial activities.
Similar to all the payment types inside the system, standing orders are initiated waiting for authorisation by the signatories. Once approved, the standing order will be active, and will transition into the expired state once all payments associated are executed.
Same as Credit transfers and Batch bookings (links here), Standing orders are viewed and managed from the overview or the details page.
Staniding orders list
The most relevant information is displayed on the default view, putting into the foreground the counterparty account, amount, status, recurrence from the ordering party account.
Standing orders list
Standing orders details
Status transitions of the standing orders are tracked on the first section on the details page -which is comparable to the timeline from the credit transfers- right below the screen offers two tabs, the standing order itself and the associated transactions listed.
The information from the list view is presented in a comprehensive way with tiles. Additional details of the payment, the status of the authorisation, possibility to add documents and the audit log are to be found.
Standing orders - details - standing order tab part1
Standing orders - details - standing order tab part2
The associated transactions are listed in the dedicated tab, to oversee the status and the execution dates of the recurrences.
Standing orders - details - transactions tab
Updated 3 months ago