
The LYNKS Dashboard shows an overview over the whole system including all payments, accounts, and displays the cashflow evolution in form of widgets.
The dashboard is designed to be most effective on the different user types.
Top management can see and manage cash and accounts over a short period of time and gat a clear view on balances per currency to know if some financial actions or decisions need to be taken as swap or investments. Also, the overview can evaluate if sufficient funds are available to cover expected outgoing transactions.
Accountants get a quick overview of the daily payments’ activities and can manage cash and accounts over a short period of time while evaluating the available funds.

Dashboard overview

Dashboard overview


All the information on the dashboard is in the default currency of the application. The symbol (≈) behind the currency is the indicator, that an exchange rate to EUR has been applied. The source of the rates is fetched daily and is coming from ECB.
The Dashboard Section of LYNKS offers a comprehensive overview for end users, allowing them to conveniently access and review the following information in some sections.

Current financial situation

First there are 4 dedicated widgets to keep the current financial situation in sight (exchange rate applied).
The little icons are indicating how many banks, ordering party accounts, credit transfers and standing orders are counted.

Dashboard - Current financial situation widget

Dashboard - Current financial situation widget

  1. Total balance D-1 displays the aggregated yesterday’s closing balance with applied exchange rates
  2. Total outgoing D-1 displays the aggregated amount of yesterday’s executed payments
  3. Total incoming D-1 displays the aggregated amount of yesterday’s incoming payments
  4. Planned today forecasts the aggregated amount of today’s planned payments via LYNKS
    (all payments considered that are already signed and pending transfer or delivery to the bank)

Bank accounts

Next the overview of bank accounts by currency indicating the previous opening and the latest closing balance and displaying the evolution of the balance.

The View all button will redirect to the My accounts page.

Dashboard - Bank accounts widget

Dashboard - Bank accounts widget

Credit transfers

The credit transfers widget provides an overview of the credit transfers in the respective states. The yellow icon indicates that at least one payment is meant for a counterparty that has not yet been approved.
All counters are clickable and will redirect the user to a pre-filtered Credit transfers list.

The View all button will redirect to the pre-filtered Credit transfers page.
All counters are clickable and will redirect to the pre-filtered Credit transfers list.

Dashboard - Credit transfers widget

Dashboard - Credit transfers widget


This widget overviews the various states of the counterparties.

All counters are clickable and will redirect the user to a pre-filtered counterparties list.

Dashboard - Counterparties widget

Dashboard - Counterparties widget

Top transactions overview

A nicely organised list of the 10 transactions with the highest amount (exchange rate applied) of yesterdays requested execution date (D-1) is provided.
The list is displaying the most relevant information: Ordering party account, counterparty account, amount and status inside the interface.

Users can change the value date that should be displayed, and navigate to the payment by clicking on it.

Dashboard - Top transactions overview widget

Dashboard - Top transactions overview widget

Overdue credit transfers

The widget proposes a cumulative chart with total amount in EUR (applied exchange rate) representing the overdue credit transfers by requested execution date in relation to states prior to ‘Executed’.
When clicking on the bar, the user is redirected to the credit transfers list filtered on that specific date.

Dashboard - Overdue credit transfers widget

Dashboard - Overdue credit transfers widget

The time range of the graph can be adjusted by selecting between the last 3, 7, 15 or 30 days.

Dashboard - overdue credit transfers widget - time range switcher

Dashboard - overdue credit transfers widget - time range switcher

Cashflow evolution

A chart displaying an overview of the cashflow evolution by ordering party. The chart will provide graphs per day displaying the balance at that given day, showing the incoming and outgoing payments (LYNKS and non LYNKS).

Dashboard - Cashflow evolution widget

Dashboard - Cashflow evolution widget

In general the past 30 calendar days (weekends not reflected), the present day with the planned outgoing LYNKS payments and up to 7 future calendar days (weekends not reflected) taking into account the payments already created in the system with a future execution date.

In the top right corner of the widget, the user can select the ordering party account he wishes to see the cashflow evolution.

Ordering Party Account switcher

Dashboard - Cashflow evolution widget - Ordering Party Account switcher