The counterparties option provides users with detailed information about each counterparty. By simply clicking on the Account Name of a specific counterparty, users can access details related to that particular counterparty. Additionally, users have the flexibility to edit or deactivate the accounts as needed, granting them control over their counterparties' information and status. This ensures that users can efficiently manage their counterparties based on their specific requirements and preferences.
The management and handling of counterparties will be described in depth in the how to section.
Counterparties list
As on all our tables, the interface provides a default overview of the most important information, whereas the user can rearrange the columns and the information to be displayed. The default list focuses on the type, name, account number, status, risk level and screening. Counterparties can be managed in a bulk, or single edit in the list view, inline editing or from the details page.
Counterparties list
Counterparties details
Inside the details page, users can manage and edit the counterparty or deactivate or reactivate the counterparty depending on the status. First of all the details about the counterparty is summarised and right below the initiated payments to the counterparty in question is linked with a very basic overview.
According to the features enabled for the environment, Risk assessment and KYC screenings can be managed from inside a counterparty. And finally a document section and the audit log are to be found below.
Counterparties - details - part1
Counterparties - details - part2
Updated 3 months ago