Inside the settings, the user management was improved an enhanced to provide a comprehensive overview and understandable management flows. Additionally, the signatory groups management is to be found under it's specific tab on the users page.

Users list

The users list provides on first sight the most crucial information about the configured users of a tenant. Providing an overview of the Name and email, the configured permission set, attributed signatory groups and the overall status of the user.

Users list

Users list

Users details

The details screen of a user is providing more detailed view of the configuration of the selected user. Starting by the details, the section summarises the users information. Followed by the Authentication methods and the Access and permissions. Both sections dedicated for the management of the login and authorisation providers and the control of the permissions in a granular way. Permissions can be configured to only allow some information to be discloses respective to the role and allowed parameters.

The management of the authentication methods and the permissions can be found in our HOW TO’S

Users - details part1

Users - details part1

After the permission, the section of ‘Signatory groups’ and ‘Signatory rules’ are listed below. Both setting a view of the attributed signing group to the user in case he has signing privileges. On this level an admin can edit the signing permissions, by adding or removing the user to group, and can also review if the user should be notified in case of new signing requests are initiated. The signing rule provides a more in-depth view of the specific signing permission that is associated with the attributed groups. The parameters for which the assigned group is eligible are listed as ordering party accounts, payment categories, currencies, and authorised amounts.

Users - details part2

Users - details part2

As usual the last section of the details page is the audit log, tracking and logging every action and change done to a user.

Users report

A newly added feature allows the admin of the interface to download a snapshot of the configured user profiles.
By clicking the button 'Download user profiles' in the top right corner, the interface will generate a report in form of an excel file. The report will have 2 major sections: access and permissions and signatory matrix.

User management - download user profiles

User management - download user profiles

Report - Access and permissions

Inside the report about the user profiles, the generated file has one tab dedicated to the configured accesses and permissions inside LYNKS.
The report will show the permissions granted, on account groups, accounts, payment categories and currencies per user. Additional information about the dates of creation, last login, last modified and by who is also exported.

User report - Access and permissions

User report - Access and permissions

Report - Signatory matrix

Inside the report about the user profiles, the generated file has one tab dedicated to the configured signing groups inside LYNKS.
The report will show the ordering parties, account numbers, payment categories, currencies, amount limitations (from - to) and the number of required signatures per signatory group. Per group we report the signatories who are linked to this group and if they wish to be notified about payments created requesting signatures from these users.

User report - Signatory groups

User report - Signatory groups

Signatory groups list

The signatory groups list offers a quick overview of the existing signatory groups within a tenant. It includes the group name, a brief description, the number of users in the group, and a list of members.

Signatory groups - list

Signatory groups - list

Signatory groups details

The details screen of a signatory group offers a comprehensive view of the selected group's configuration. It begins with the group's name and description. The users section focuses on managing the group's members, where admins can add or remove users and handle notifications for each user. Notifications for signatories are managed at the group level and apply to all payments validated by this group.

Signatory groups - details part 1

Signatory groups - details part 1

Below are the Signatory rules associated with each signatory group. An expandable section allows you to view the rules that can be signed by each group. This view mirrors the one found on the signatory rules page in the settings. Finally, the audit log tracks all changes made to the signatory group.

Signatory groups - details part 2

Signatory groups - details part 2